
This is the story of Papalu. He was rescued by us approximately two years ago, tied up to a tree, outside of his owner’s home. He was skin and bones and had sores all over him from sleeping on gravel and pavement. 

That day we went out looking for another dog we had seen in the Remblases area the day before, but could not rescue her because we had just rescued a mama dog (Sombra) with newborn puppies. 

We decided to go back the next day to see if we could find that same dog again. It was like looking for a needle in the haystack. We did not find her.

We found Papalu instead. He is an American Fawn Pit Bull. I always carry treats and leashes with me in case we run into a dog that needs help.

I approached with caution of course, because one never knows how a dog will react to the rescue. I threw him a treat and he devoured it like he had not eaten for a week. I told him to sit using my index and middle finger together, making the motion of two legs sitting, with a treat in my hand. Surprisingly he was a fast learner. I slowly gained his trust and approach to pet him. He was starving for love and for food at the same time. 

It breaks my heart that someone would allow their dog to get in such bad condition. Then I went to ask the neighbors if they knew who the owner was. They told me it was a guy who was also a police officer. I was shocked to find out that someone who is supposed to know the laws for the protection of animals in the state of Jalisco, mistreated his own dog. 

We called the Patrulla Verde, which is like Animal Control, in Puerto Vallarta. They said they would come but we waited for an hour and they did not come. So we went to lunch and then realized I had forgotten my water bowl, which I carry on me also incase a dog needs water. So after lunch we went to recover the bowl and on the way we met with the Patrulla Verde. I asked them if they picked up the dog and they claimed the owner was stubborn and refused to relinquish the dog to them. So we went there to get the bowl and the owner was now there. 

I begged him to give me the dog because he was very sick. That I would return him once he was healthy again. He claimed it wasn’t his dog, but his cousin’s dog. Which was obviously a lie, since the Patrulla Verde had just spoken to him and told them that he was the owner. 

I begged and cried until he relinquished the dog to me. I called him Papalu and he liked that name. He was eager to go with us. He was so thankful that we got him out of a terrible situation. Went straight to the vet. 

Papalu had many diseases. Erlichia, Anaplasmosis, severe anemia and the beginnings of renal failure. Saved him in the nick of time.   

Papalu has been waiting for his forever home since we rescued and fostered him. We were promised by a foundation here in Puerto Vallarta, that they would help us to send him to Seattle. Like many of the promises, they were only words. They took my money and left me and Papalu out to dry. 

Papalu does not do well in humid climates where it’s very hot. He gets heat rash. So during the summer months, he spends his day and night in the office, with the AC on dehumidify mode. He has a nice comfy bed and his toy that he never leaves behind. He never had a toy. Once he discovered how fun it is to chew on a toy, he just won’t stop playing with it. 

Papalu loves his bed. he really appreciates it. He has never ripped up anything. We can trust him like few, to not destroy the office or his bed. He is now about 4 years old. Pretty laid back but also enjoys exercise and running. He is no longer that skinny dog on the border of death. Yet he is still looking for his forever special person. 

We are still hoping…