Akira and Akamaru

This is the story of Akira and her brother Akamaru. It started with me trying to find another dog to adopt because three of my permanent old dogs died from old age and sickness related to Erlichia. A terrible tick bourn disease. 

I generally scan the groups for saving or adopting dogs on Facebook. I ran across a post by a very kind woman, trying to find a home for her dog Akira. I was in the USA at the time, and I asked Rosy Diaz Padilla, a person whom I have helped since 2019 to rescue dogs and rehabilitate them. I considered her to be a very trusted friend, so I asked her to please go pick up Akira from Bere. She was trying to find a good home for her dog because she could not afford to keep her and had no space for her due to personal issues she was going through. She was doing the right thing. Many people just dump them on the street. But she wanted to find the right person. 

I spoke to her and promised her that I would care for Akira and give her a good life. So she accepted and Rosy Diaz Padilla did me the favor (I thought) to go pick her up and take her to my Vet for an evaluation. Every dog that I take in, goes through the Vet first. They get tested for disease and such. She was not sterilized, so the plan was to bring her home after her surgery. 

What I did not know, was that Rosy Diaz Padilla, also took another dog from them, making them think that both dogs who grew up together and were a bonded pair, would come to live with me. 

Bere contacted me and asked about Akamaru, Akira’s brother. I had no idea what she was talking about because I was under the impression that only Akira was picked up and taken to my Vet. So I asked about the other dog Akamaru and she told me Rosy Diaz Padilla, had taken him too. She told me they grew up together and were a bonded pair since puppies. 

I was stunned about such great deception from Rosy Diaz Padilla. I could not understand the motive for her not only not telling me she took Akamaru, but that she took him to a different Vet altogether. When I confronted her about this, she became combative because she realized I had uncovered her deception. You must understand that the owners wanted both dogs to be together. So they asked me to help them recover Akamaru from Rosy Diaz Padilla, who had him at her pseudo hotel for dogs. Basically an empty lot of dirt and a couple of trees. That I also helped her to make it livable for her staff, by donating to her a Carport from Costco and a refrigerator, plus many other things such as paying thousands of dollars for veterinary services for her dogs that she rescued and I fostered as well. 

I tried to reason with her to give me Akamaru because Akira was very sad and traumatized to be separated from her little brother. That it was not too late to make amends and I would forgive her lies as long as she gave me Akamaru. It was to no avail. Rosy Diaz Padilla insisted that if I wanted the dogs to be together, that I had to relinquish Akira to her, so she could send them to the USA. 

I was very upset about this because this was not a rescue, it was an adoption. And she lied to Bere and her mother about what she was going to do with Akamaru. I tried everything to convince Rosy Diaz Padilla to please allow me to keep the dogs together, here at my Home/Sanctuary. I even offered to give her money, because I thought that at least she would see my desperation to recover Akamaru. 

Bere sent an image of Akamaru , now named Tommy, up for adoption on her DOGGIE HOME page on Facebook. I could not believe she was already moving forward to give him up for adoption. I have several dogs still here, which she promised to help me find good homes, for two years !!  And she moved quickly to get rid of Akamaru. 

Bere asked me to help her go to get him back. So I went with them and Juanito, to try and recover the dog. First they told her that Akamaru was there but refused to let them see him. Then they said he was at the Vet. Bere’s mom got suspicious over the whole thing, and asked Juanito to record the conversation in order to obtain evidence. Proof of deception and stealing the dog from them. 

I will include the audio obtained from that conversation once I finish the compilation of audio recordings.

They were unsuccessful in recovering Akamaru. In fact they were told they would have to go through the adoption process despite them being the owners since the dog was born!!  And if that was not enough, she claimed it was my fault because according to her, I offered her money to get the dog back and she doesn’t sell dogs. Never-mind that she owed me lot’s of money from me for paying for the Vet for her dogs, that she promised to pay me back. I knew she was never going to pay me back. So I told her that if she got money for those dogs I paid for, to use that on other dogs. That did not seem to bother her. But offering her money to get Akamaru back with his sister, apparently that was offensive!? 

She promised Bere and her mom that she would send them the adoption papers so they could adopt their own dog back. However, she never did. She never answered them back. How cruel can a person be ?? 

Later, I find out Rosy Diaz Padilla had taken Akamaru to San Pancho Animals and told them that she had found him on the streets in terrible condition. And he was already being sent to San Jose California via Mex pup to a rescue organization called Oneplanetrescue

It seemed like we were never going to see Akamaru again. Akira was very sad. She was like a shelter dog who was dumped and grieving for her brother. I tried everything to help her not be sad. But only being with her brother again was going to do that. 

I had to fly back to Las Vegas and thought that maybe I could adopt Akamaru from OnePlanetRescue in San Jose California. It would be a short flight and I could bring Akamaru back with me to Puerto Vallarta. I tried to contact them and offered them a substantial donation, if they could allow me to adopt Akamaru (now named Tommy). They shot me down. They basically took in a stolen dog. Rosy Diaz Padilla told them I was a crazy person and to not take me seriously. That I was delusional even!!  She deceived them and they believed her over me and over his owners who produced images of them since puppies. And posted on their FB page the proof. 

They did not believe David nor his owners. Told them they were liars and sick people. 

Below are the screen captures of the event which happened on Facebook. 

This whole thing caused me a nervous breakdown. Betrayal is just one of the worst things a person can do. Rosy Diaz Padilla defamed me and these poor folks, in the worst way. The cruelty and disregard by these other organizations was very disappointing. They believed all the lies she told them. Bellow are Photos to prove that this story is true. 

In the end, her manipulation and expert deception abilities won over the truth. And that was the end of what I considered a close friendship and rescue relationship that we had. I have a severe intolerance for lies. But the saddest part is that a bonded pair of dogs, were forcefully separated. 

I knew that Akamaru was in San Jose California because Farah the founder of that rescue told me he was. But Rosy Diaz Padilla, told Bere that he was in Canada and end of story. Another lie. She is a pathological liar apparently and anyone who deals with her should be aware that she is dishonest and manipulative, all for her own personal gain. She probably makes money off of this maneuvering.

Will include audio and text conversations with her, to show the truth. 

It is shameful what she did. She exposed these non profit organizations to lose their 501c3 status for accepting stolen dogs. A dog that was NOT found on the streets in bad conditions, as she had told San Pancho Animals, who subsequently told OnePlanetRescue the same lie. 

The truth is that Akamaru was abducted and purposely hidden from the owners. Given false hopes of adopting their dog back. And causing much pain and anguish for everyone involved, specially for Akira and Akamaru. 

May this serve as a lesson to anyone involved in dog rescue operations. If an owner wants their dog back because they regretted giving them up, the dog must be returned to the original owners. 

That is the only right thing to do. 


The voice above is from Rosy Diaz Padilla lying through her teeth to the people who she conned into giving her Akamaru and making them think that both would be coming with me.

I had no idea what a snake Rosy was. I tried to convince her in every possible way to return the dog. But she had already sold him.

She is promising them that she would send them an application to adopt their own dog back. She is telling them that I am sick in the head and because of that, now the dog is hers. And they would have to go through the adoption process.

And claimed she filed a restraining order against me or some type of bullshit that simply does not exist. Because All I did was try to recover the dog.

I asked her how much money she wanted for the dog. Unknowing at the time that she had already sold him. She milked me for money and vets and free dinners. Never did she even buy me a beer.

Here she tell these people who were smart enough to record this conversation, that she does not sell dogs. Maybe not in the conventional way, but she gets money from people who make triple from adoption fees. And of course she gets others to pay for the vets.

I was one of them until I found out what she did. I could not believe that a person whom I considered my best friend or the sister I never had, could speak about me in that horrible defamatory way. But there it is in her own voice. Nothing she says in this recording makes any sense to me. In fact it only makes me regret ever helping her. 

She contacted me recently and I thought wtf ?  I was clear with her the last time I spoke to her to vanish from my life. The only explanation I could think of, was that her narcissistic supply had dried up. Or needed more money. I would really be sick in the head if I helped her again. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

It is as if she forgot what she caused me. I had to remind her by sending her that recording again. I mean if someone is caught on tape lying and defaming the hand that helped her, would that not make you vomit? 

She showed me the kind of disgusting person she really was. And to be real, she saved me a lot of money from cutting her off. 

In my opinion, she does not need me for anything anymore. I hooked her up with Ricardo Farkas from Vallarta Adventures to get free food and whatever else she needed. For that I will eternally be embarrassed to have introduced her as an honest person who rescues dogs and needs help. I never told him or Karen his wife, the slimeball she really is, or the dishonest hypocrite. I took the high road. And hope that venomous toad eventually gets found out for who she really is. A liar, a thief, a user and an abuser. 

I am working on compiling the audios of our conversations to prove what liar and a con she really is. She tells me she loves and cares about me, but what about what she told those dog owners she defrauded besides me? She is a very successful con artist. But she has two faces. One is the sweet kind voice, and the other is an ungrateful lying defamatory snake. 

A walking contradiction.

She has a dog shelter disguised as a Dog Hotel business. And has been thrown out of every place she tried to set up, because she hires lazy people, or does not pay them enough to want to work cleaning dog poop all day. So the neighbors complain and then she gets thrown out. I offered her to do it here at my house. A real hotel for dogs. It strikes me as odd that she did not take that offer. She could live here and save on renting because I was not going to charge her anything. 

Now I realize that the reason she passed on the deal, was that she feared I would discover her lies and that she basically is involved in dog trafficking and gets paid for every adoptable dog, some kind of commission. Because those orgs who put them up for adoption charge an arm and a leg for those so called adoptions. 

She lied to adopters that the dogs were healthy. However, dogs with Ehrlichia never overcome it and she failed to tell the adopter that the dog had tested positive for this pathogen. The adopter spent more than $4000 USD and since this pathogen is uncommon, the vets in the USA did not test the dog for that. 

The adopter was very upset with this and she brought the dog back to PV and I told her to take the dog to my Vet so it could be tested. I find it unethical to not tell adopters what the dog has. Because it could have saved them thousands of dollars, knowing that Ehrlichia is controlled with antibiotics. 

I really thought this nightmare with this woman would be over by now, but NO, she had to come back and continue with the same duplicitous bullshit. And it makes my blood boil. So writing about it is like therapy to get the poison out and block her out of my life forever. And including all the texts and audio files is the only way to be believed because it’s her voice. Listening to the conversation, the listener gets to hear how she goes from ass kisser to a miserable liar and mean person.