
This is the story of Peachy. The hardest stories to write, are the obituaries of our dogs. Every loss leaves us broken hearted. Their presence is missed by all of us always. 

Peachy was found running on the highway near Bucerias Nayarit, by a young man on a Moped. She was following him and he decided to try and get her to follow him home. A several kilometers long way. He was seen in his video, cheering her on, trying to drive as slow as possible so she wouldn’t tire out. They made it to his home.

The kind young man was hopeful she could stay with him and his cats, however, Peachy chased his cats and he posted on Facebook, looking for a home for Peachy. After seeing her face, I knew Peachy was coming home to us. So my assistant went to pick her up immediately and take her to the Vet.

She was very thin and it appeared she had been used for forced breeding. She also had an old burn wound on the inside of one of her legs. One can only wonder what horrors she had lived through.

Peachy was never going to suffer again. She was a timid dog understandably. Most rescued dogs come from terrible circumstances. She had the same tick diseases that most rescued dogs have. Erlichia and Anaplasmosis along with Anemia. Unfortunately, Erlichia is not curable, only controlled. And this is what eventually caused her death. Once it gets into the bone marrow, it is very difficult to treat. The dog ends up losing weight rapidly. Starts vomiting any food until they refuse to eat anything. Quickly they begin to lose muscle mass and are unable to even chew anything. It is hard to watch them shrink into nothing until they can’t even move. 

As every day passes, you wonder if it will be her last. You wonder if you should help them pass. That is one of the most difficult times to go through. And I have gone through too many. 

Peachy was one of my favorite dogs. She was always happy and wagged her tail with her entire body. She was friendly with every dog she met and never showed any aggression. She was the happiest dog I have ever met, despite her terrible upbringing and abuse she suffered. 

Once she was healthy, she gained so much weight, I used to call her Mi Salchichon Gigante. She reminded me of a caricature of a dog called Salchichon because it looked like her tail was coming out of her anus lol. Her behind got so fat that it pushed her tail down. Her eyes would melt you in an instant. So full of love. 

As most rescued dogs, Peachy loved her bed. She would roll on her back and kick her legs up in the air like a turtle stuck on her back. It always brought me a smile and a giggle. Maybe she knew my day was not going quite well and she would do that on purpose to make me happy and forget my problems for a moment. I have that moment burned in my memory. 

Peachy was also a follower of the escape artists, she would gladly follow them on an adventure. Once we went to the river with 12 dogs and only 4 people. We were too focused on the other dogs and did not notice Peachy and Mancha and Polly, had gone missing, until it was time to leave. Luckily they do come back when we called them. We could see them running back from up the dirt road. They looked so proud of their adventure, I have no idea what that was. Needless to say, everyone was tired and went to sleep as soon as we got back home. 

Peachy was with us for 4 years. We estimate her age was about 6 when we rescued her. Had it not been for Erlichia, I believe she would still be with us today. I miss my Peachy so much! 

I hope to find some consolation in knowing we gave her the best life possible, in the short time she was with us. She is one of the reasons our house became a Sanctuary for old unwanted dogs. You might ask “But 6 years is not old?” It is considered old for some dogs. Great danes and large dogs like Wolfhounds, only live to 8 years old. And dogs that were abused and suffer from tick diseases, don’t have a long life. 

Peachy was the inspiration for AdaDogHaus. To continue rescuing dogs in her name became our mission. And the reason for this website to be established in order to memorialize those who will never be forgotten. And who now live in our hearts. 

I will never forget you Peachy, my Salchichon Gigante.