
This is the story of ChiChi the Chihuahua. We were sitting at a restaurant I used to frequent, in Puerto Vallarta downtown. It was in the evening and we were getting ready to leave, when a little dog came by the table. A Chihuahua. I prefer large dogs over small ones. Mostly because I am afraid something could happen like me stepping on her accidentally or that some Chihuahuas are quite mean and snappy or unfriendly. 

ChiChi was none of that. She came by with much confidence and allowed me to pick her up and give her kisses. We waited there to see if anyone was looking for her. She did not have a collar. After an hour of waiting, we decided to take her with us because it was dangerous for a little dog to be on a busy street and I would never abandon a dog to it’s own luck. 

I gave the manager of the restaurant my contact info, in the event that someone went there, asking if they had seen their dog. I posted her on the animalistic groups on FB. No one claimed her nor went to the restaurant to ask if they had seen her. I won’t keep a dog if they have owners. I will however take them to the vet and have them sterilized and vaccinated and return her to the owners if they appear. 

It is not safe for a dog to not be sterilized. There are many horrible diseases like Distemper and TVT in Puerto Vallarta and surrounding areas. ChiChi was not sterilized. But she tested negative for every disease fortunately and was promptly sterilized. 

I wasn’t sure how we were going to manage, considering I mostly have big dogs. For the first month or so, I had her tethered to me 24/7. I was afraid she would escape because our property is not fenced in completely. But the big dogs can’t escape. So, even though she slept with me in my bed, I had her leash in my hand the whole time. Even to go to use the restroom. 

Once she had bonded with me and showed no signs of wanting to leave, then I set her loose in the house and she never attempted to escape. She was home. Like many small dogs, they can act as if they are big dogs. Which is dangerous in my opinion. A Napoleonic Complex, I call it. That is how many small dogs get in trouble. 

My dogs accepted Chichi rather quickly. She made friends and started to play with the other dogs, despite their size difference. She is a sassy dog. Feels like the queen of the house. And she truly is a wonderful loving little dog. She brings joy to my life in many ways. I love my ChiChi so much. 

She is very friendly now, with dogs and people. Although initially she was guarded, but I trained her to not be aggressive with new people, by not coddling her, like many people do with Chihuahuas. They can become possessive and jealous if you coddle them. I wanted her to know boundaries for her own safety. 

She likes to rule the roost, but that has led to some squabbles. She is an independent thinker lol. Nevertheless, all the dogs love her and put up with her antics of gathering all the toys for herself. 

She makes friends with new dogs too. She will find a way to make them love her, by laying down with them on their beds. It is remarkable to see.

I love my ChiChi !